الاثنين، 2 نوفمبر 2009

pickRoute is the Route Control Center

pickRoute is the Route Control Center allowing VOIP resellers to select a route type per Prefix and monitor the performance of each route selected, ensuring quality calls for your end users.
Route selection is per prefix for A-Z voice terminations. The interface is easy to use and updates instantly. Your customers do not need to remember any dialing patterns to access the routes you select.
Performance monitoring includes ASR (average answer seizure ratio or number of completed and failed calls) and ALOC (average length of call) calculations keeping you informed on the quality of each route selected।

الثلاثاء، 9 يونيو 2009

how can i become reseller for voip

كيف يمكنني ان اكون موزع لخدمة الفويب voip reseller 
المطلوب شركة تقوم بتقديم الخدمات كمثال 
وتراسل الشركةلمعرفة افضل الاسعار في السوق فبعض الشركات اسعارها تختلف عن الاخري و وتقوم بارسال مبلغ فتح الحساب واظن انه لا يقل عن 500$ في البداية تريل  لهم لكي يقوم بفتح حساب لك لدي الشركة ثم يمكنك بعدها البدء ببيع خدمة الفويب او voip ويمكنك عمل حسابات لعملائك  والتحكم الكامل بالاسعار بدون اي مشكلة 
ولاكن رجاء مراجعة القوانين المحلية الخاصة ببعض الدول العربية حيث ان بعض الدول تمنع الخدمة 

الأربعاء، 3 يونيو 2009

Cisco is set to release the Cisco SPA8800 IP telephony gateway, featuring 4 ports of FXS and FXO connectivity. The Cisco SPA8800 is an affordable IP telephony gateway solution that is ideal for small business environments that have VoIP service and also require a connection to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). It can be used with existing analog telephones and teleconferencing equipment, enabling small business customers to protect and extend their investments

دوتش تيلكم

That’s exactly what Duetsche Telekom, T-Mobile parent and one of the world’s largest mobile operators, is doing.Duetsche Telekom, which until today had banned access to VoIP services over their wireless networks, has announced new plans that will allow it’s users to pay an additional fee for the ability to place VoIP calls. The plans, which start at EUR 9.99, will be tiered based on usage.This news is a victory for consumers (and mobile VoIP providers) who’ve been snubbed by carriers and a sign that the “tides are continuing to change” with respects to mobile carrier bans on VoIP services. Some may argue that VoIP is just an application or utility, like Google, and thus shouldn’t have to pay extra to use it.I say take what you can get.And while it’s still not the end goal, paying $10 for access is a small price when compared to the fees one could rack up making international calls at Duetsche Telekom’s rates..

دوتش تلكم 
واحدة من اكبر مشغلي الهواتف بالمانيا تسمح بخدمة الفويب مقابل رسوم شهرية 10 يورو وعقبالنا في الدول العربية يارب بدل ما احنا قاعدين ندفع بلاوي 

الاثنين، 25 مايو 2009

A group of four Swedish mobile operators have decided to use the term "practical maximum speeds" when marketing the bandwidth of mobile broadband, they announced on Monday.

By Sept. 1, a HSPA (High-Speed Packet Access) network that supports data rates up to 7.2M bps will be marketed as having a practical maximum speed of 6M bps. Other practical maximum speeds include 3M bps for a 3.6M bps network and 16M bps for a 21M bps network.

The change comes after the Swedish Consumer Ombudsman on May 6 announced it had decided that Tele2, Telenor, Telia and 3 shouldn't be allowed to advertise speeds "up to" a theoretical maximum -- for example, 7.2M bps -- that users will never be able to get. 

Monday was the deadline the Swedish Consumer Ombudsman had set for the operators to come up with something. Otherwise the issue would have ended up in the Swedish Market Court, which judges the propriety of marketing claims, according to its Web site. 

The new practical maximum speeds are more in line with what consumers can expect to get under optimal conditions; speeds can still vary depending on, for example, the location and how many users are competing for the available bandwidth, according to the operators.

The operators have in the past defended their marketing language by saying that everyone uses the same tactics, but the Consumer Ombudsman wanted to make it easier for consumers to understand what they are actually getting. The Consumer Ombudsman hasn't yet decided whether the new proposal is good enough, according to Swedish publication PC För Alla.

An attack on the servers of a domain registrar in China caused an online video application to cripple Internet access in parts of the country late on Wednesday.

Internet access was affected in five northern and coastal provinces after the DNS (domain name system) attack, which targeted just one company but caused unanswered information requests to flood China's telecommunications networks, China's IT ministry said in a statement on its Web site. The DNS is what computers use to find each other on the Internet.

The incident revealed holes in China's DNS that are "very strange" for such a big country, said Konstantin Sapronov, head of Kaspersky's Virus Lab in China. 

The problems started when registrar DNSPod's DNS servers were targeted with a DDOS (distributed denial of service) attack, described by the company in an online statement. In such an attack, the attacker orders a legion of compromised computers to try to communicate with a server all at once, which overwhelms the server and crushes its ability to return requests for information. 

Telecom network operators blocked access to the IP (Internet Protocol) address of the registrar, concerned that its beleaguered servers were draining resources from the machine rooms they occupied, the registrar said. 

Web sites served by the registrar's servers, including one that offers an extremely popular online video playing application, became inaccessible. 

The story might have ended there. But as some massive number of users tried to boot up the video application, called Baofeng, their unanswered DNS requests were apparently passed on to higher-level servers that didn't know how to process them. 

The requests piled up, and the resulting traffic jam slowed or halted Internet access across affected provincial networks. DNSPod was told that even Baidu, China's top search engine, became inaccessible in one province, it said in a message on Twitter. 

Internet access returned to normal in the late night several hours later, according to the government statement.

China had almost 300 million Internet users at the end of last year, according to the country's domain registry agency, and streaming online video is as popular among young people as it is in Western countries.

The event, the first of its kind in China, suggests the country needs to improve its rules managing the DNS, said Zhao Wei, CEO of Knownsec, a Beijing security firm. 

The original attack transformed into a regional DNS jam essentially because Baofeng is so popular, said Zhao. 

Such programs may need smarter code, which could instruct them to withdraw DNS requests that go unanswered, he said. The way unanswered requests are redirected to higher-level servers could also be changed, Zhao said.

Guarding servers against DDOS attacks remains difficult. DNS service providers need reliable, secure servers and emergency plans in case they fail, said Zhao.

The Samsung Impression has a fantastic display--the first commercially available AMOLED (active-matrix organic light-emitting diode) screen. With a roomy full QWERTY keyboard, an intuitive touchscreen interface, and some advanced features, the Impression is one of the best midrange messaging phones we've seen. It has a few quirks, though, as it lacks voice dialing, a camera flash, a 3.5mm headphone jack, and is a bit pricy. Assistant Editor Ginny Mies takes a look.

الجمعة، 22 مايو 2009

تحميل برنامج بلاك ديلر للاتصال الدولي من خدمة الفويب voip blackdialer

يمكن تحميل البرنامج من هذه الموقع ثم اتبع التعليمات 
ثم تتبع التعليمات لتنصيب البرنامج 
يمكنك شراء الكروت من اي محل كمبيوتر او مواقع الانترنت 

sip for nokia

Step 1 of 2: Configure a SIP Account

Menu->Tools -> Settings -> Connection -> SIP settings.
Now add a new SIP profile (Options->Add new): you can call it call, for example.

Profile Name: call
Service Profile: IETF
Default Access point: select the access point that will be used
Public user name: sip:21XXXXXXX@sip.log.overvoip.com
Use Compression: No
Registration: ” When needed “
Use Security: No

Registrar Server: sip:sip.abbeyphone.com
Realm: sip.log.overvoip.com
User Name: 12345
Password: the password for 12345
Transport Type: UDP
Port: 5060

The SIP account is now ready.
Step 2 of 2: Create a profile for the Internet Telephone

Menu->Tools->Settings->Connection->Internet Tel.->Options->New profile.
Suppose the new profile is named “call”. Now associate the profile to the previously created SIP account (”call”): Preferred profile: choose call.

Now when you want to use VoIP, you have to register to the service:
Menu->Connectivity->Internet Tel->Registration Status->Options->Change. If unseletected, choose Register.

The phone will try to register to the log.overvoip server. Once the registration is complete, you’ll be able to make calls (select Internet call in the Call menu

best voip price

Rates - Resellers can sell bonus rates or wholesale:

We will supply you with our first class master reseller panel to create accounts / pins and recharge vouchers.


Bonus rates - Rates are set according to the bonus your choose. We add your deposits plus additional bonus to your panel based on the rates and bonus of your choice.  

Here are the rate / bonus choices

A. 65% Bonus Rates - https://log.overvoip.net/quotes/prospect.php?key=fe2d010308a6b37ep99a3d9c728ee74244

B. 50% Bonus Rates - https://log.overvoip.net/quotes/prospect.php?key=2ba8698b7943958ep9fdd2b0f7218d8b07

** For example, if you choose 65% bonus rates and create a privately labeled reseller panel and call log for you and add $500 + 65% for a total of $825 in reseller credit. If you choose less bonus rate, then we will adjust the total credit accordingly.

** The minimum purchase for bonus master panels is $250 USD. 


Wholesale rates - Set customer rates for profit from the wholesale rates.  

A. Wholesale Rates - https://log.overvoip.net/quotes/prospect.php?key=8a0e1141fd37fa5dpb98d5bb769ba1a7cc

** The minimum purchase for wholesale rates is $500 USD.

الثلاثاء، 19 مايو 2009

خدمة اعادة الاتصال

International Call back service is now live in all reseller panels. International Call back covers SMS, WEB and ANI callback services. TalkFree Resellers can now set their own rates/minutes on each card, set the card expiration date and market their own brand. In addition, you can print your own call back cards using templates downloaded from your panel. 
SMS and WEB Call back is available in all markets
ANI Call back is currently officially releasing in 6 markets which we will be adding to over time in phases 
Print your own call back calling cards
6 officially released markets for ANI Call back:

الخميس، 7 مايو 2009

ماهي الحماية المستخدمة

ولاكن لدي سؤال استطع الاجابة عليه ماهي نسبة الحماية المستخدمة في هذه التقنية وما امكانية الاستماع او التنصت علي المكالمات من اي طرف بصراحة لم اجد اجابة علي هذه السؤال برغم اني قمت بالبحث بصديقي جوجل عن الاجابة الا انه لم تتوفر لدي اي بيانات سوق عن حماية من اختراق حساب او سحب الرصيد منه 
علي اي حال اسعار الاتصال الي مصر مغرية جدا وباقي الدول العربية ايضا 
واليكم لمحة عن الاسعار
مصر عشرة سنت 
اليمن 16 سنت 
سوريا 18 سنت 
وبصراحة انا لم اتخيل قيامي الفترة الماضية دفع مبالغ ضعف هذه الارقام لشركات الاتصال  

voip خدمة الفويب

السلام عليكم 
اود اليوم ان اتشاطر معكم نجاح تجربتي لخدمة الفويب والتي اعطتني اتصال دولي بتكلفة زهيدة من خلال برتوكول نقل الصوت عبر الانترنت 
اولا قمت بالبحث عن الشركات التي تقدم الخدمة واشتركت باحداها واعطتني البرنامج بصراحة تقنية جميلة جداا باسعار ممتازة 
ولا اعرف لماذا بعض الحكومات العربية لا تستفيد من هذه الخدمة  ولماذا تقوم بمنعها لماذا لا تقوم بترخيص هذه الخدمة وفتح محلات خاصة بها والاستفادة من العائد المادي لصالحها 
لا اعلم 
علي اي حال قمت بتحيمل البرنامج وادخال رقم الكرت والرقم السري ثم قمت باجراء اتصال علي مصر تكلفة اقل ب 80% من التي كنت اقوم بدفعها قبل ذلك وبجودة ممتازة 
بصراحة تقنية جميلة جداا
وشكرا لمن قام باختراعها 
لمزيد من التفاصيل او الاشتراك في الخدمات برجاء الاتصال بي لمتابعة الشرح